Bridging the Gap:
The KazAELT Village Project
The KazAELT Village Project is dedicated to addressing the educational inequalities in Kazakhstan by focusing on the professional development of village teachers.
Bridging the Gap:
The KazAELT Village Project
The KazAELT Village Project is dedicated to addressing the educational inequalities in Kazakhstan by focusing on the professional development of village teachers.
Our Mission
Our mission is to ensure that children in rural areas receive the same quality of education as those in urban centers.
By empowering teachers with advanced training and resources, we aim to elevate the standard of English education and provide rural students with better opportunities for academic and professional success.
Project details and impact
Our first project was launched from May 13th to 17th as a five-day teacher training course in the Mugalzhar district in western Kazakhstan.
The initiative has already shown promising results, with teachers reporting significant improvements in their teaching strategies and students demonstrating enhanced performance in English.
It involved 20 teachers from various villages, including Kumzhargan, Embi, Kandyagash, Akkemer, Zhanazhol, and Kozhasay. Collectively, these teachers are responsible for educating 1,490 students.
Enhance professional development opportunities for village teachers.
Improve educational outcomes for rural students.
Reduce educational inequality between urban and rural areas.
Project details
Location: The first Village Project was initiated in the Mugalzhar district in western Kazakhstan.
Participants: 20 teachers from various villages, including Kumzhargan, Embi,Kandyagash, Zhanazhol, Akkemer, and Kozhasay.
Reach: These teachers collectively educate 1,490 students.
Training Workshops: Conducted workshops to improve teaching strategies and English proficiency.
Seminars: Organized seminars focusing on modern educational techniques.
Resource Distribution: Provided teaching materials and resources to support educators.
Get involved!
Join us in our mission by volunteering your time and skills.
Become a Volunteer
Support our project financially to help us reach more teachers and students.
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We welcome partnerships with organizations and individuals who share our vision.
Kazakhstani Association of English Language Teachers
Connect, support and thrive together.
Social Media
Registered as a non-profit organization in Kazakhstan, Astana